Career Exploration Resources & Videos

Check out the OSU Alumni Association’s alumni directory where you can search for a professional mentor from your field:

Check out College of Forestry’s Mentored Employment Program to be mentored by a faculty on research and field experiences.

Government Jobs Career Resources

So many of our students in the College of Forestry will eventually want to go into government work – whether for summer internships, seasonal positions or full-time careers – with agencies like U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Bureau of Land Management, OR Department of Parks & Recreation, OR Department of Fish & Wildlife, local county/city governments and many others. It’s important to know that government applications, resumes and regulations can be tricky. Here are some resources that will help you navigate them.

It’s really important if you have your eye on a certain position title within the federal government, to ensure you are taking the right amount of the right classes in order to meet their coursework qualifications. Luckily the federal government’s Office of Personnel Management has a website where you can check all this out:

You can find government jobs a lot of places. Here are some tips:

  • One great place to connect with government employers is the College of Forestry Career Fair each November in Peavy Forest Science Center.
  • There are also government positions often posted on the College of Forestry job board and Handshake.
  • In general, all federal agencies will post their positions on and all state employers will post their jobs on their own website, like State of Oregon.
  • Note that some federal agencies like U.S. Forest Service and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service will do large nation-wide hiring events annually. Usually in the fall. Watch out for these as they often involve posting hundreds of positions that you could qualify for. Seasonal Job Opportunities in the Pacific Northwest.

Check out these panel recordings that discuss the specific government process and give you insider advice from local employers:

This means you could get a tuition discount if you are a federal employee, spouse or dependent of a federal employee AND an Ecampus student. Learn more: