Participation Awards are only available to clubs with representation in the Council and who are in good standing with the Council (meeting requirements, maintaining eligibility). Proposals will be sought, reviewed, and funded through the Council. Proposals are due to the Student Resources & Engagement Office, Snell 133, no later than 5pm on the Friday of the second week of Fall term and should include a request for funding for specific/significant activities for which clubs are seeking supplemental support beyond what is available through annual fundraising or through club MU accounts. Award decisions will be made by the Associate Dean of Student Success. No club shall receive a greater appropriation than the amount for which they applied.
Criteria for funding distribution shall be based upon, but not exclusive to, the consideration of the following:
- Broaden and enhance the educational experience(s) of club members by enabling them to attend professional conferences, events, seminars, etc.
- Offer professional development, leadership, team-building, etc. experience for club officers and members.
- Publicize and positively represent the College of Forestry.
- Efforts made toward engaging CoF students, and efforts made toward membership recruitment.
- Quality and completeness of the proposal.
- Previous engagement in club and CoF activities, volunteering, etc.
- Need, past allocation of funding, status of club fundraising efforts.
- Club must be in good standing with the Council.
- Clubs have provided a summary of the event, including details of the educational benefit, including a photo of participants for activities for which funds have been received.
Funding restrictions.
- Funds are not available for, and shall not be used for general club management (food, membership fees, tools/equipment, etc.).
- Funding will not be available to clubs whose membership in the Council has been revoked.
Funds not utilized by June 30th are forfeited. At the end of each term clubs are required to complete a recap or summary that outlines how funds were utilized. Copies of receipts are required. A recap is required even if funds are not utilized in a given term. Be sure to keep a copy of each recap for club records. Additionally, at the end of the academic year a report (which will be sent to the donor of the funds that support Participation Awards) detailing how the funding supported and enhanced your clubs engagement, activities, education, etc. is due.