Leadership Academy - College of Agricultural Sciences & College of Forestry
SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship)
Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship & Creativity (URISC)
URISC (or the Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Creativity) program is designed to create opportunities for students to engage in the scholarly and creative activities with our diverse world-class faculty. The URISC program provides resources to students to better enable them to work with artists, engineers, scientists, public policy specialists, humanists, health experts, or any of a wide range of other professionals.
URSA (Undergraduate Research Scholarship and the Arts)
URSA facilitates undergraduate engagement in scholarly and creative independent projects mentored by faculty in all disciplines at Oregon State University.
Value of Experiential Learning Study - An employers perspective (pdf)
Research data on employers’ perceptions of the value of internships, volunteering, and work experience during college!