Art made from materials previously used for another purpose

Walnut Chest

Title: Walnut Chest
Artist: John Nairn
Media Type: Furniture
Artist Statement: Rather than discarding an unwieldy walnut chest (circa 1880), I recovered its walnut (the top was a solid 18" wide plank) and recycled into a new walnut chest with better scaling. The contrasting side panels were from original hardwood drawer bottoms (maybe butternut); the only new wood was for the current posts that needed to be longer and thicker than any pieces available from the original.


Title: Salvage
Artist: Mark Kerstens
Media Type: Wood Art
Artist Statement: This piece is made of salvaged logs from the forest and a discarded pallet.

Corona Trash Art

Title: Corona Trash Art
Artists: Elizabeth Bruch, Kimberly Bruch, and Oscar Romo
Media Type: Glass and metal sculpture
Artist Statement: Receiving the "Most Creative" award for the UCSD COVID-19 Data Challenge, this piece made from repurposed materials, represents both the biological structure of COVID-19 as well the increase of residential trash in the City of Chula Vista during the pandemic.

Coffee Sack Pillows

Title: Coffee Sack Pillows
Artist: Nathan Ryan
Media Type: Burlap
Artist Statement: I found these burlap coffee sacks in Kansas City at my favorite coffee roasters, the Roasterie. I made them into pillow covers (with the help of my mom and her sewing machine).