Elliott State Research Forests: Forest Management Planning

The December 2023 ESRF Forest Management Plan (FMP) is now available, including the ESRF Watershed Atlas, a supplemental document that provides maps of the ESRF at the subwatershed scale. Public comments on the 2023 Draft FMP received during the public comment period earlier this fall, along with responses to these comments from OSU staff, are also available.

This Elliott State Research Forest FMP has a direct connection to the ESRF Research Proposal that was approved by the State Land Board in April 2021. The plan is based on the overarching research design from the ERSF Research Proposal, the content of the Draft Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), and from a perspective of OSU managing the forest. At the time of completion of this ESRF FMP, the ESRF Draft HCP had not been finalized. Any subsequent adjustments in the HCP will need to be incorporated into this FMP document so that the documents can remain aligned.

For questions about the forest management planning process, please email elliott.research@oregonstate.edu


ESRF Forest Management Plan (FMP) Listening Sessions
Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023 and Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023

Public listening sessions were held on Tuesday, Aug. 8, and Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023, to discuss progress on the draft Forest Management Plan being developed by OSU. The goal of the listening sessions was to:

  1. Provide updates about the timeline and process for ongoing ESRF plan development.
  2. Engage with the public about questions, comments, and input on FMP drafts. 

Input gathered at these sessions will help contribute to the further development of the ESRF forest management plan. Thank you to all who attended the listening sessions. To request a recording of the listening sessions, please email Elliott.research@oregonstate.edu


ESRF Forest Management Plan (FMP) Listening Session
Thursday, November 17, 2022 

A public listening session was held on Thursday, November 17 to discuss recent drafts of the Forest Management Plan being developed by OSU. This was a time for the public to share their thoughts and provide any input regarding the FMP. 

The goals of this listening session was to:

  1. Provide updates about the timeline and process for ongoing ESRF plan development.
  2. Engage with the public about questions, comments, and input on FMP drafts. 

* Recent draft of sections of the Forest Management Plan (FMP) can be accessed through the Forest Management Plan Elliott page

Information gathered at this session will help contribute to the further development of the ESRF forest management plan. Thank you to all that attended the listening session. To request a recording of the listening session, please email Elliott.research@oregonstate.edu


ESRF Forest Management Plan (FMP) Listening Session
Tuesday, October 18, 2022 

A public listening session was held on Tuesday, October 18 to discuss recent drafts of the Forest Management Plan being developed by OSU. This was a time for the public to share their thoughts and provide any input regarding the FMP. This was an in-person session at Southwestern Oregon Community College. An opportunity to attend the meeting virtually, as a spectator, was provided.

Information gathered at this session will help contribute to the further development of the ESRF forest management plan. Thank you to all that attended the listening session. To request a recording of the listening session, please email Elliott.research@oregonstate.edu.


ESRF Forest Management Plan (FMP) Listening Session
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 

A public listening session was held on Tuesday, September 27th to discuss recent drafts of the Forest Management Plan being developed by OSU. This was a time for the public to share their thoughts and provide any input regarding the FMP.

The goals of this listening session was to:

  1. Provide updates about the timeline and process for ongoingESRF plan development.
  2. Engage with the public about questions, comments, and input on  FMP drafts. 

* Recent draft of sections of the Forest Management Plan (FMP) can be accessed through the Department of State Lands Elliott page. 

Information gathered at this session will help contribute to the further development of the ESRF forest management plan. Thank you to all that attended the listening session. To request a recording of the listening session, please email Elliott.research@oregonstate.edu.


Elliott State Research Forest (ESRF) Recreation and Education Listening Session 
Monday, August 29, 2022 

A public listening session was held on Monday, August 29, 2022 to discuss planning for recreation and education on the Elliott State Research Forest. 

The goals of this listening session was to:

  1. Provide updates about the timeline and process for upcoming ESRF plan development
  2. Engage with the public about current and expected future recreational and educational uses of the forest

*Thank you to everyone who attended the Elliott State Research Forest – Recreation and Education Listening Session. Due to technical difficulties, the visual and audio recording of the meeting was unable to capture much of the great resources and information that was learned by speaking with residents and panelists. We sincerely apologize to those that were interested in joining the discussion remotely but were impacted by the technology issues.