Growing Redwoods Science Meeting

During this facilitated information exchange, participants learned about and discussed the biology and management of coast redwood and giant sequoia with experts and practitioners in the field. Information gathered at this meeting is being used to help OSU FNR Extension develop a resource guide covering suitability and management considerations for western Oregon woodland owners and forestland managers interested in growing these species.

The meeting was held virtually, split over two half-days, on Tuesday, October 12 and Wednesday, October 13, and included a mix of presentations, panel discussions, small group discussions, and participant input.

Meeting topics included:

  • Basic biology & ecology of coast redwood and giant sequoia
  • Genetics & seed zones
  • Planting, stocking, & vegetation management
  • Stand management
  • Forest health, including wildlife damage
  • Forest products
  • Oregon-specific case studies
Agenda and Recordings

Day 1: Tuesday, October 12th

8:00 am - Welcome, Logistics, and Introductions, Dan Stark – OSU FNR Extension

8:25 – 9:35 am Basic Ecology of Redwood and Giant Sequoia
Silvics, habitat, and health
-Bill Morrison, Soper-Wheeler Co.
-Chris Lee, CAL FIRE
-Rob York, UC Berkeley/UCANR

9:35 – 9:50 am Screen break

9:50 – 11:20 am Climate, Genetics, and Seed Zones
Issues related to climate change and seed zones
-Glenn Howe, OSU
-Sara Lipow, Roseburg Forest Products
-Dryw Jones, USFS

11:20 – 11:35 am Screen Break

11:35 – 12:35 pm Planting and Stocktypes
Clones and genetic stock being used, wildlife damage, and nurseries
-Brian Broznitsky, Mendocino Redwood Company
-Stephen Coskey, Starker Forests

12:35 – 12:45 pm Day 1 Closing Comments -OSU FNR Extension cadre

Day 2: Wednesday, October 13th

8:00 – 8:30 am Morning coffee chat (optional), Hosted by FNR Extension Growing Redwoods in Oregon team

8:30 – 8:45 am Review Day 1 & Day 2 Objectives, Dan Stark – OSU FNR Extension

8:45 – 10:15 am Stand Management
Growth and yield, density management, mixtures with other species, vegetation management, and Oregon-specific case studies.
-Pascal Berrill, Humboldt State University
-Rob York, UC Berkeley/UCANR
-Lynn Webb, CAL FIRE
-Sara Lipow, Roseburg Forest Products
-Carlos Gonzalez, Oregon State University
-Mark Gourley, Cascade Timber Company

10:15 – 11:15 am Big Qs
Mills, markets, and forest products for redwood and giant sequoia
Whole Group discussion

11:15 – 11:30 am Day 2 Wrap-up, Closing, and Evaluation, OSU FNR Extension cadre
