Does gender matter in a circular bioeconomy? An empirical and political perspective from forest sector practitioners.
Faculty mentor/Supervisor: 
Eric Hansen
Department Affiliation: 
Wood Science & Engineering
Project Location: 
Project Description: 
This project is a part of a planned edited book, initiated by University of Helsinki in Finland and Mount Royal University in Canada. The book aims to explore the various social and cultural aspects of the shift from the current take-make-waste extractive industrial model to the restorative circular bioeconomy concept. Utilizing document analysis and interviews, we aim to explore the triangularity of the circular bioeconomy, forest sector, and gender concepts.
Describe the type of work and tasks you anticipate the student will perform: 
- Data collection (document searching and online interview) - Interview transcription (with a help from transcription apps) - Data analysis (utilizing NVivo software)
Hourly rate of pay: 
Detail your mentorship plan: 
- Weekly meeting - Project management via Slack and/or Trello